The hemodialysis department in Lebane an example of successful cooperation between the EU and the municipality

The EU aid has reached many smaller communities in order to help the development of their health protection systems.

With the financial aid from the European Union in the amount of EUR 50.000 and the considerable participation of the municipality of Lebane with EUR 35.000, the hemodialysis department has started working, which provides necessary medical care for renal patients from Lebane, Bojnik and Medvedja.  

All the construction works have been completed: the electrical installations, ventilation and air-conditioning of the premises, as well as an elevator for the persons with disabilities. With the support from the donators a part of the medical equipment was procured, including a defibrillator, an ECG machine, a monitor for patients, eight beds and one dry sterilizer, which enables the department to function in all its capacity.

This project is an extraordinary example of how the support from the European Union is increasing the quality of life for people in local communities. A successful cooperation with the municipality of Lebane and the Ministry of Health has made life easier and provided the necessary health services for patients from three municipalities who no longer have to travel to Leskovac for dialysis.   

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05